
Welcome to My Brand Ambassador Page!


I'm excited to share two exclusive ways to enjoy a special discount on amazing Upper Park Disc Golf products!

Exclusive Offer Just for You!

Choose one of the following ways to enjoy your discount:

Option 1: Click the "Shop Now" button. The discount will be applied automatically at checkout.

Shop Now

Option 2: Use the coupon code at checkout.

Coupon Code: YOURCODE

Change or delete this heading and the text below

Add more text and info here

Use the image icon in the toolbar to add image(s)


Ambassadors: Instructions for customizing your page

  • Change the page title "Your First and Last Name"
  • Link your referral url as a link to the button. Steps:
    • highlight "Shop Now" text on the button
    • click the link icon in the toolbar
    • in the dialogue box replace "YOUR REFERRAL LINK" with your referral link
  • Add your Coupon Code
    • Replace "YOURCODE" with your coupon code
  • Add your own text featuring your favorite products! Add your own images!
  • Delete these instructions!
  • Click Save. We will review your page and publish it for you.
  • You can give out the link to your page. The link will be: https://www.upperparkdiscgolf.com/pages/your-first-and-last-name