We’re featuring our Core Values on a t-shirt made for disc golf. And to help #growthesport, $5 of every t-shirt order is donated to Universal Play Disc Golf. Read more about this terrific organization.
Universal Play Disc Golf is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2017 by disc golf professional and gifted teacher Zoe AnDyke. Her intention and the organization’s mission is to promote health, well-being, and enhance communities through the provision of educational disc golf programs.
“I am very happy to partner up with Upper Park Disc Golf in 2021. Universal Play Disc Golf believes that Collective Impact is the most effective way to spread the mission and ultimately help a larger number of people improve their lives with our efforts”. ~ Zoe AnDyke, Founder
“Uplay is excited to work with such a like-minded partner in Upper Park Disc Golf. With similar goals to see the sport of disc golf grow and benefit, it is a partnership that we look forward to taking to new heights”. ~ Dustin Keegan, Board President UPlayDiscGolf.org
“Upper Park Gives Back combines our brand’s core values with the collective reach of our player team and our customers to support disc golf related charities. I couldn’t be happier to have UPlay Disc Golf as our first charity partner.” ~ Martin Bispels, CEO, Upper Park Disc Golf